2019-12-20 11:22:15 • Denise Pitot

"Denise Pitot's TOP Networking Tips: #7 Whether you are a seasoned networker, or learning the ropes, here are some of my top tips to help you to get the most out of your networking events. Tip #7. Last week I mentioned that generally no one goes to a networking meeting to buy, therefore we should not be there to sell. Here's another bombshell. I believe that you do not want business from the people in the room! Nope, but rather the business from the contacts of the people in the room! If we aim to build credible, trust relationships with all the people in the network group, then it stands to reason that they will refer us to their base of contacts. Without this we only stand to gain referrals to the people in the room, maybe 50 if we are lucky..connecting to their contacts gives us a reach of thousands. As an exercise, think about how many contacts you have on your phone or on your social media accounts... now multiply that many contacts for each person within your network group. Now THAT's a network worth tapping into. The people in the network are your sales team. My top tip is for you to keep in mind that the relationships you build within a network group, are the gateway to their contacts. (This takes time and effort)