Invest in your employees before it's too late

2022-04-12 03:15:42 • Tasneem Jaumally

Human Resource departments have had ever-expanding priorities and responsibilities since the beginning of the pandemic. Still, empowering and investing in employees should be the main priority. It gives organisations the control and peace of mind required to succeed in a rapidly changing economy. After all, employees have always been the greatest asset any company has. Managing their experience and care pays dividends that can’t be ignored, particularly in a time of economic uncertainty.

Moreover, technological advancements and new workplace methods mean businesses must invest time and money in reskilling and upskilling employees before it’s too late. Employers and employees should therefore align with these changes in terms of knowledge, skills, values, and abilities. One of the best ways to enhance knowledge and skills is through training and education. 

But why is it so important to invest in talent?

Encouraging employees to reskill or upskill emphasises a level of care and commitment towards them at this time of acute vulnerability. If nothing is done, automation advancements and COVID-19’s long shadow are enough to disable anyone’s career. Let’s have a look at 3 of the main reasons to invest in your employees:

Promoting Employee Well-being and Retention

During these times, stress levels are at an all-time high, and stability is uncertain. People want to know that their company values them and will support their professional success. Your employees will have the unshaken confidence they need to succeed if you provide them with the training they need. This also demonstrates that their long-term success matters to you. When employees know you’re on their side, they’re much more likely to stick around for the long haul.

Protecting Your Profitability

Do you know what’s automatically boosted with employee trainings? Your bottom line! Companies that offer extensive training usually double employee retention, enjoy higher margins and generate higher income per employee. It is no secret that when people have the skills and knowledge to do their jobs, they are much more productive. They work independently, innovate and meet challenges as they come up — all of which are critical behaviours to adopt given the current pandemic situation.

Giving Your Business an Edge

Finally, investing in employees will surely help in building a future-proof organisation by narrowing the skills gap. The nature of business and the skills needed for success are constantly evolving. Putting a hold on training and development will leave your organisation behind the curve — and bear in mind that catching up is much more difficult than keeping up. While investing in employee learning, place great focus on skills and approaches geared towards the future. In doing so, you’ll prepare your employees for the challenges they will face now and in the future.

Benefit from Honoris Educational Network distance learning concept and several accredited programmes to reinforce your workforce and secure your company’s future. Henry Ford once said: ''The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay''.