Workout - but no results

2022-04-02 08:26:55 • Coach Djarlo

Are you not getting the results you aim for from your training despite burning hours in the gym or at home every week?

Have you reached a plateau? and even if you try to add another set of HIIT cardio or adding more sets to your bench press nothing really changes.

If it is any comfort, you are not alone, because a lot of people receive bad advice from “coaches”, social media experts, gym coaches, peers and friends ending up doing endless training sessions with little or no results.

I have good news for you! You can fix it, and even better I can help you fix it.

Let me walk you through the basic principles behind.



If you are looking for a successful fitness journey, it is crucial to have a well-designed program with careful consideration of basic training principles, for you to reach your goal.  With your training well planned, executed effective and efficient, the result is an improvement of your physical fitness as the body adapts to the physical challenge.

In a broad sense, adaptation means the adjustment of an organism to its environment. Therefore, when you expose your body to new exercises, fitness levels and progressive training loads, it adapts and you become stronger, leaner and burn more fat.

However, you have to apply a sufficient overload, since adaptation only happens if training load is high enough. And of course, too much, too soon is also going to have a negative impact on your training results.


Accommodation or Adaptation

The general idea is to make your workouts more challenging over time to place greater stress on your musculoskeletal and nervous systems. To make your training more challenging, while continuing with the same exercise/program you can for example:

v  Increase weight – you simply lift heavier

v  Increase the number of reps, but keep within the desired rep range i.e., strength 2-5 reps, hypertrophy 6-10 reps and endurance 12-20 reps

v  Increase the number of sets. After adding more reps, you can add more sets

v  Change work/rest period i.e., work/rest 15 sec/15 sec to 20 sec/10 sec

 You can also change and vary exercise/program to new exercises you are unaccustomed to, which will create a new adaptation phase and improve your fitness and performance levels.

 If you fail with progressive training overload, but run the same exercise with the same training load over a longer period of time you end up retraining, or even worse, detraining, where fitness in best case is maintained or worse case performance results decreases.

 Let me use a metaphor by Vladimir Zatsiorsky - former strength coach for Soviet Union Olympic teams and professor in kinesiology - about “The Bizarre Bank”:

 Banks usually pay higher interest rates to the customers who deposit money for longer periods of time or make large contributions. Imagine a bank—the bizarre bank—that adopts the opposite policy: The longer you keep the money in the bank and the larger the deposit, the smaller the interest. Most likely a bank with this policy would soon be out of business. However, this is exactly how our body works.

In other words, the return on your training improvement decreases over time unless you use an intelligent program design. Therefore, without a proper workout program design your efforts doesn’t give you the desired results.



I see a lot of people, who don’t reap the rewards for all their hard work and sweat, and in many cases, it comes down to the fact that training is not properly designed to the individual and the desired goals.

Some of the common reasons I have recorded that hamper your training performance improvements are:

v  Goal is too vague or unrealistic

v  You don’t know how or don’t monitor progress in a training journal

v  You are not varying your training

v  You don’t structure your workout in a proper designed program

v  You don’t recover enough

v  Your nutritional plan is off

Adaptation is the whole purpose of training, and to achieve this you need to implement a progressive overload programming to your workout. This apply whether you want to build strength, lean muscles or lose fat.

Remember, the best way to lose fat is to build strength and lift (relative for you) heavy weights.

Hence, go into your next training session looking to do better than last time. A progressive training program can make you meet your fitness goals, and continually challenge yourself. It also prevents boredom and monotony in your workouts keeping your motivation up.

If you are committed and ready to change, drop endless cardio workout, and try a proven body re-composition protocol giving your guaranteed results send me a mail on