Become a master netWORKer

2021-04-19 04:41:07 • Denise Pitot

The master netWORKer title was created this year (2021), to guide business people to network efficiently and effectively. There is no point in saying that you are a networker when you don’t actively network.

Effective networking will increase your VISIBILITY and your CREDIBILITY and therefore increase your PROFITABILITY. It’s a winning formula when done right.

#NetworkingWorks when it’s done properly!

This is what you need to do to be a master netWORKer:

1.       Complete How to netWORK like a pro training at least once each calendar year

a.       Available dates to book:

b.       This workshop is free for MBN members

2.       Have 44 Coffee Connects

a.       Whether you book or are invited, it is a coffee connect. As long as you discuss how you can help each other – you both get to share information

b.       For help, read the blog:

3.       Attend 11 network meetings per year

a.       Here are the days, book them in your calendar in advance; 9:30 – 11:00

                                                               i.      1st Tues of the month (North)

                                                             ii.      1st Thurs of the month (West)

                                                           iii.      2nd Tues of the month (Online)

                                                           iv.      2nd Thurs of the month (Centre) followed by a Power Team Huddle

4.       Pass 12 quality referrals per calendar year

a.       Read the blog:

b.       Watch the video:

5.       Record your statistics monthly:

a.       We can only measure what we record


Our Mobile App which is currently in development, will help us a lot in ensuring we meet these criteria, and will therefore make us more visible, credible and ultimately more profitable. We look forward to giving you the title of master netWORKer.


Why are we doing this?

The more profitable you are, the better the network works for everyone.

Our members are still getting into the habit of recording their stats, but so far, each person who received referrals recorded an average of Rs7K per person, not bad for the first 3 months of the year.

Join the master netWORKer movement, because #NetworkingWorks