Welcome to the Leading Business Networking Site of Mauritius

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Why Become a Member?

Business Networking

Connect with like-minded business individuals at our energetic, uplifting networking events held free to members every month; in Black River, Grand Baie, gmail login and Moka. These are great opportunities to promote your business and support fellow members, face to face. Effectively, these become your sales meetings, with your sales team. People do business with people; through networking we have the opportunity to demonstrate that we are knowledgeable, likeable and trustworthy business people.

  • 524


  • 563


  • 1000+


  • 4

    Networking meetings per month

Platforms to connect you and your business:

Personal referrals from fellow members help you to grow your business at network meetings

An enhanced directory listing to promote your hotmail login business online

Discounted rates to additional adhoc network opportunities

Use our Facebook group to further promote your business amongst our social community

Surround yourself with a network of business friends who you can bounce ideas off and gain energy from

Receive discounted rates from participating partners

Access to 12 online learning programmes to hone your entrepreneurial skills

Business resources to make doing business in Mauritius a little easier
